So every once in awhile, I've noticed that someone puts up a laundry list of grievances against Lieberman. In the spats of hate mail and derisive comments which I've received over the past few weeks, more than one has called me a "coward" or something to that effect for not answering these charges. Well, I've finally decided to call that bluff.
First off, whenever I read this list of charges, I was reminded of's dubunking of the ridiculous"Clinton Body Count". The body count was a ridiculous laundry list distributed by GOPers in the 1990's listing dozens of people connected to Clinton who had died over the course of his political career. It was a crock, and Mikkelson did a masterful job of exposing it as such.
Here are what Mikkelson cited as the rules of thumb in creating such laundry lists. I've modified this list so that it refers to the anti-Lieberman laundry lists rather than anti-Clinton laundry lists, but it's eerie how similar the rhetorical tactics are:
- List every vote or statement that Lieberman has made that even remotely suggests he is not progressive. It doesn't matter what his stated position on the issue is, or how he ultimately voted on the issue in question. The longer the list, the more impressive it looks and the less likely anyone is to challenge it. By the time readers get to the bottom of the list, they'll be too weary to wonder what could possibly be relevant about how many times Lieberman smiled during his debate with Cheney in 2000.
- Play word games. Make sure that not voting for a filibuster on a bill is framed as "supporting" that bill. If Lieberman at any time voted for something proposed by a Republican, call it the "Bush/Cheney/Lieberman" bill. If Lieberman ever says he's "open" to an idea, say that he is in favor of it.
- Make sure every vote or statement by Lieberman that you can dredge up is offered as evidence that he is a Republican, without regard to the context and relative significance of the vote/statement in question. If Lieberman voted against something 32 times, and then did not show up for a vote on one amendment, ignore the 32 votes he made and focus on the 1 he didn't. You don't have to discuss what impact it has on the totality of his record; just keep harping that the one vote "shows that he is a Republican."
- If the data doesn't fit your conclusion, ignore it. You don't have to explain why all the Democrats who know Lieberman best — Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Larson, John Lewis, etc — are still going around endorsing him and talking up his progressive credentials. It's inconvenient for you, so don't mention it.
- Most importantly, don't let facts and details stand in your way! If you can pass off the fact that he has never proposed a bill on something as evidence that he is against it - do it! If a critical vote contradicts your theory, claim that particular vote was "irrelevant." If your explanation of Lieberman's actions has no basis in reality, who cares? It's not like anybody is going to check up on this stuff . . .
(This is all just to point out that the intellectual dishonesty of many of the charges against Lieberman is enough to make Ken Mehlman and Karl Rove proud).
I work 9-5 and then have a night job two days a week, so this took me two days to put together and is therefore a one-time only thing. I want to start with the disclaimer that I am only speaking for myself, and that these are only brief rebuttals - if I were to give full-length rebuttals to everything on this list, this post would be dissertation-length.
Since this is so long, you might just want to hit CTRL-F and look for the topic you're interested in... Sadly, I'm only half-kidding. Here goes:
"Support of Nafta/Cafta"
- I'm pro-trade, so this one is easy for me. Much of our economy relies on trade and open commerce with other countries. It's no coincidence that NAFTA - a centerpiece of the Clinton economic policy - came right before one of the biggest periods of economic growth (and job growth) in American history. Jobs might be lost in manufacturing, but huge numbers of jobs are also created in the service and technology sectors. The important thing is that those workers in industries that are hurt by trade policies are given adequate re-training and education to make them marketable in other areas - and that is something Lieberman has supported steadfastly.
In Connecticut in particular, many jobs rely upon the continuation of our open trade policies with other countries, including and especially those in North and Central America. I agree that it would be very preferable if we attached labor standards to such agreements, but it's tough to argue that Lieberman's support for NAFTA hurt our economy.
"Support of the Bush energy policy"- Lieberman has most definitely not supported the Bush/Cheney energy policy. He
voted against the key Bush/Cheney energy initiative, providing one of the critical votes which killed it in 2003. As far as Lieberman's vote in favor of the 2005 Energy Act, I refer readers to my post on
Lieberman's efforts to cut emissions. The big points I made in that post on the Energy bill were:
- Calling it the "Bush/Cheney/Lieberman" bill is laughable, since Lieberman never attached his name to the bill in any way
(Note: This is another common tactic – implying that Lieberman's vote for a particular bill makes him a bad Democrat, while ignoring the fact that many other unquestionably good Democrats voted for the same bill. On virtually every topic cited here, at least a third of Senate Democrats would have to be called “bad Democrats” along with Lieberman, so to single Lieberman out as a bad Democrat makes little sense)"Willingness to deny rape victims emergency contraception"- This is perhaps the most egregious half-truths told about Lieberman, and insulting to those rape victims who
have had to get EC (one of my best friends went through that terrible experience last year). He said that religious-run hospitals shouldn't be
forced to give EC if the religious beliefs of the religious institution operating the hospital prohibit its use.
And you know what? That is what is required by the Constitution. The courts have ruled repeatedly that the government can't force religious institutions to do things that go against their religious beliefs, as that would violate the First Amendment. I strongly disagree with any religious doctrine that prohibits the use of EC, but the government simply does not have the Constitutional right to force them to reject even a ridiculous belief. And from a purely practical standpoint, de-funding hospitals which will not give out EC for religious reasons (the aim of the law in question) could have a catastrophic effect on emergency care and health care in general across the country, since so many hospitals are run by religious institutions.
Right or wrong, that's the reality of constitutional law and practical effects on the matter. I'll grant that the courts have not, to my knowledge, ruled on these EC laws in particular, but the legal history of the broader issue of government directives being forced upon religious institutions is pretty long (most particularly in the case of religious colleges and universities). Lieberman's words about the "short drive" were very poorly chosen, but you can't fault Lieberman for thinking it's unwise to compromise the Constitution or to de-fund hospitals for abiding by their religious beliefs, however misguided those beliefs may be. Besides, NARAL and Planned Parenthood seem to think his record on choice is pretty good - they endorsed him.
"Support of someone from the International Arabian Horse Association to run FEMA"- This one was a screw-up on behalf of the whole Senate, which confirmed him by voice vote without any dissent. That's one that all our leaders are responsible for, and it's absurd to single out Lieberman.
"His unwillingness to demand censure on wiretapping"- Lieberman has said that he believes the Bush wiretapping to be illegal. But the censure motion had zero chance of passing, and everybody knew it. All that pushing censure would have done is tie down the Senate in debating a resolution that literally does nothing, and keep the Senate from debating bills that actually have a chance of passing on issues that are more urgent (like, say, education and health care). And we learned from the Clinton impeachment attempt just how destructive and divisive pushing such futile measures can be. Lieberman opposes the Bush wiretapping program, but he also opposed wasting the Senate's time on a debate over whether or not Bush should be verbally slapped on the wrist. As he and Clinton both have said, it would be an unproductive use of the Senate's time.
(Final note: Only three other Senators attached their name to this resolution. So singling out Lieberman for this is, once again, absurd).
"Support of No Child Left Behind"I think it's preposterous to condemn a bill that hasn't been given a real chance. The education system in this country is broken for millions of students who have the misfortune of living in districts with underfunded and/or mismanaged schools. NCLB was pushed by Ted Kennedy, who is about as Democratic as you can get, as a way to try and level the playing field. But Bush shamefully has underfunded the program, which has undermined it and kept it from reaching its full potential. I think this is the most underreported travesty of the entire Bush presidency, since it has stranded tens of millions of students in thousands of schools by failing to give them the money that NCLB would have provided to improve their schools. Lieberman has always supported fully funding NCLB, but Bush and Frist have undercut the efforts at every turn.
This legislation is unquestionably progressive; it marks the greatest effort to improve the schools of underserved students since the introduction of Title I forty years ago. Lieberman was right to be among the
48 Democratic Senators who supported NCLB. It is Bush who should be condemned for underfunding it and not allowing it to have a real chance -
a point which Lieberman has made repeatedly.
"Support of School Vouchers"- Actually, Lieberman was noted for proposing
a modified version of NCLB which stripped it of its voucher provisions. I oppose vouchers as a long-term solution, but let me say this - I have personally seen the conditions that exist in urban high schools during my time as an education student. Many students are condemned to underfunded and/or mismanaged schools. Until we can solve that problem, I can easily see why many African-Americans and other education advocates have pushed for vouchers, and why many good Democrats have listened. Critics of the idea should talk to the parents of kids who go to schools in the poorest neighborhoods of Philadelphia before they have a knee-jerk reaction against it.
Lieberman has said that he would consider school vouchers for poor students
only. And improving the educational possibilities of poor students is about as progressive as you can get.
"Support of a non-provoked attack on Iran"- This looks like a thinly veiled effort to say that Lieberman supports starting a second war in the Middle East. Problem is, it's not true. Lieberman was
extremely cautious in his assessment of US options in Iran.
He said he would consider targeted air strikes as a last resort in an effort to knock out "some of the components" in order to "delay and deter" the development of Iran's nuclear program. Considering air strikes to prevent a state with an undeniable record of arming terrorists from developing nuclear weapons is hardly a horrendous position to take, and that is the most 'aggressive' stance he has taken on Iran.
But this is a common tactic of the Lieberhaters - if he doesn't rule something out, say he supports it. It might be dishonest, but the assumption is that no one will bother to check what he
really said.
"Interest in privatizing Social Security"- This is another huge distortion of Lieberman's position, and the ultimate example of equating "willing to listen to ideas on" with "interested in." If he's so interested in privatizing it, then why has he gone on record against it every single time it's come up? He made one comment last year saying he wanted to hear what the whole proposal was before deciding on it. What he really said about privatization is completely ignored. Even a
NYTimes article which highlighted some Democrats' (misdirected) anger towards Lieberman on this issue conceded that point:
"But as for the president's proposal to divert part of the payroll tax to private retirement accounts, Mr. Lieberman said he had already rejected that idea before the 2000 election."
Once it was clear that the Bush plan on SocSec had no new ideas other than privatization, he announced his opposition to it. Before that, he waited to get all the facts before making a final decision, which seems much more reasonable than having a knee-jerk reaction against changing anything about SocSec (keep in mind that there were many more issues being discussed than privatization). Lieberman has always opposed privatization, and you can't fault him merely because he decided to make an informed decision rather than a hasty one.
"Support of Gonzales and the torture policy"- First off, the reason why Gonzales wrote the memo is often forgotten. As Bush's attorney, he had little choice but to do what his boss/client told him to do, as any government attorney will tell you.
Besides which, even if you do think the memo showed that Gonzales personally supported torture (which I think is a doubtful charge in and of itself), it's absurd to argue that just because Lieberman voted for Gonzales, he must have supported everything Gonzales has ever done. If that were requisite for voting in favor of a nominee's confirmation, no nominee for anything would ever pass the Senate. Every Democrat in Washington knew that the Bush administration could have proposed far worse AG nominees than Gonzales, who is pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, and (incidentally) the first Hispanic Attorney General and highest-ranking Hispanic cabinet member in the nation's history. If Gonzales had been voted down, Bush probably would have proposed someone far less hospitable - just remember John Ashcroft (whom Lieberman voted against).
"Vote on cloture for Alito"- The meaning of Lieberman's vote on cloture is massively and artificially inflated by the Lieberhaters. The cloture vote was a foregone conclusion, since the Gang of 14 as a whole decided that they approved of Alito. Lieberman personally opposed Alito, which is why
he voted against him. The truth is that even if Lieberman had voted against cloture, it still would have passed by 12 votes, since
19 other Democrats voted for cloture - including Democratic stalwarts such as Herb Kohl, Jay Rockefeller, Daniel Inouye, and Maria Cantwell. All he would have accomplished by voting against cloture would have been angering the Gang of 14 - the group which is necessary to preserve judicial filibusters.
The vote on confirmation was actually closer (passed by 8 votes) than the vote on cloture was (12 votes). In other words, the argument that the cloture vote was the "real chance" to stop Alito's confirmation is just plain wrong. Both votes were foregone conclusions, the cloture vote perhaps even more so than the final confirmation vote.
Even if the cloture vote had not been a foregone conclusion, a junior Senator from a small state in the minority party who is not in the Senate leadership and who is not on the Judiciary Committee has zero chance of being able to stop the confirmation of a Supreme Court nominee. To pretend otherwise, or to pretend that Lieberman actually supported Alito, is really dishonest.
"Yes confirmation vote on Rice"- I'm not a fan of Rice as Secretary of State, but even die-hard progressives have conceded she was less hawkish than rest of the Bush administration's foreign policy "experts." Most critiques of the Bush Administration have Colin Powell and to a lesser extent Rice acting as voices of caution against Cheney and Rumsfield. As with Gonzales, Bush could have nominated someone much worse than Rice (think Paul Wolfowitz). And as with Gonzales, Lieberman was hardly a bad Democrat for voting to confirm her. Fully
32 of the 45 Senate Democrats voted for Rice, including Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein, Jon Corzine, Daniel Inouye, Pat Leahy, and Chris Dodd. I hope no one would argue that those are all bad Democrats.
"Support of the Bankruptcy bill"- Another egregious and obvious distortion. He did not support the bill - in fact, he was
one of only 25 Senators to vote against it. He did vote against the filibuster on it, but (again) him voting to filibuster the bill would have done nothing since the cloture motion carried by a solid margin anyway. Lieberman clearly does not believe in making a pointless statement by voting against cloture if the motion to end debate is going to pass anyway, which is why he would become a member of the Gang of 14 (which saved judicial filibusters) just a couple months later. Again, that's hardly an unreasonable position for a practical-minded politician to take.
"Support of Defence [sic] of Marriage Act (Clinton did too, BOTH were wrong)"- Can't argue with that - he was wrong on this vote. But he's been far more supportive of gay rights and civil rights than pretty much any other Senator during the course of his career. That bill passed 85-14, with great Democrats like Bill Bradley, Tom Harkin, and Paul Wellstone voting for it, so Lieberman was in good company being wrong, and it hardly makes him a bad Democrat. After all, if you call Paul Wellstone a bad Democrat, then who on earth is a good one?
He has
opposed the Federal (anti-)Marriage Amendment (
twice), indicating that he has become considerably
more progressive on this issue during the past 10 years. Besides, he was endorsed by Human Rights Campaign, the largest gay rights advocacy group in the country.
"Supported our ports being run by Dubai"- This charge really ticks me off. If we are to be honest, the only two 'honest' explanations for the criticism over Dubai are Arab-bashing and political expediency. Obviously, neither reason is very good. The port operations that were to be handed over to Dubai Ports World (DPW) used to be handled by a British shipping company, and the Singapore company PSA operates port terminals all over the world. Why is it acceptable for British and Asian companies to operate ports, but not Arab companies?
"For telling Democrats they criticize the president at their own peril (of course, NO Republican ever criticized Clinton)"- This charge is typical of a very Bush-like tactic: Giving only part of the quote without providing the context. Remember the "Global Test" BS that he threw at Kerry? Meet its twin. The point Lieberman was actually making was that BOTH parties should stop going at each others' throats and work on solving the serious problems we face both at home and abroad. Here is the quote given with its context (
full speech here):
I recall here the wisdom of Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson, who served our country during World War II and the beginning of the Cold War. Stimson said that sometimes the best way to make a person trustworthy is to trust him. There is wisdom there.
It is time that America’s leaders, in the White House and Congress, Republicans and Democrats, who agree on our goals in Iraq but disagree on tactics to start trusting each other again so that we can work together again. The distrust is deep and I know it will be difficult to overcome, but history will judge us harshly if we do not stretch across the divide of distrust and join together to complete our mission successfully in Iraq.
It is time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that he will be Commander-in-Chief for three more critical years, and that in matters of war we undermine Presidential credibility at our nation’s peril.
It is time for Republicans in the White House and Congress who distrust Democrats to acknowledge that greater Democratic involvement and support in the war in Iraq is critical to rebuilding the support of the American people that is essential to our success in that war.
It is time for Americans and we their leaders to start working together again on the war on terrorism.
Obviously, the people who cite only the third paragraph of this quote completely missed (or completely ignored) the point Lieberman was actually trying to make.
"Friends with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, who call Democrats terrorists...Friends with convicted felon, former governor John Rowland"- Yes, let's please hang people for who they're friends with. I don't like any of those three either, but guilt by association? That's a tactic most frequently associated with McCarthyism.
"Does not comport self like opposition party member, e.g. one of the few Democrat attendees at a Valentines soiree with the Bushes"(
- This is a puff charge. Lieberman and his wife went to a reception with the Bushes - so what? Does Lieberman have to be hostile to Bush and refuse to be seen with him just because they are members of different parties? Being one of several Democrats to go to a purely social function with Bush is hardly cause for alarm. Comporting oneself like a member of the opposition party means criticizing Bush's policies, and Lieberman has done that plenty of times (see the bottom of this post).
"Supported Bush on faith-based programs that spread lies about choice and abortions"( I disagree with the faith-based initiative legislation. But Lieberman is an orthodox Jew, so surely it is not surprising that he supports it, and I won't hold the depth of his faith against him on this. Lieberman has an outstanding record on choice...need I list the pro-choice endorsements he has received again, or mention the fact that he has
voted against the proposed bans on late-term abortions each time they have come up?
"Has essentially endorsed John McCain for president. “I hope he runs.”"- This is just plain dumb, and a variation on the "say he supports something if he doesn't outright condemn it" tactic. Saying that you hope someone runs is most definitely not saying that you hope they win. It's far more likely that Lieberman thinks that McCain will bring issues into the discussion that he feels should be talked about - say,
campaign finance reform. People make statements like this all the time about presidential races, usually to indicate that the more people that get in the race, the more issues will be discussed. Heck, I've heard people say they want Pat Robertson to run for President - not because they want him to win, but because if he does manage to win the GOP nomination, the Democrats will win in a landslide in November. In any case, to spin "I hope he runs" as an endorsement is just an insult to people's intelligence.
"Against universal health care."- This one is really out there; it's saying "he never attached his name to a bill supporting it, so therefore he must be opposed to it." He has said repeatedly that he supports providing universal health care (i.e. health care for all Americans), but has never proposed a bill that would grant it because he knows it wouldn't pass a GOP congress. Anyone remember what happened to Hillary's health care plan? Joe supported that, but saw what happened to it. If that couldn't pass a Democratic Congress, why on earth would he spend time writing a bill when there is a GOP Congress which would never let it reach the floor? Ending the GOP majority is the only way to move towards universal health care. Defeating Lieberman won't end the GOP majority, and defeating a candidate who will vote for universal health care certainly won't help bring it about any faster.
"Against gay marriage, not proposed anything on domestic partner benefits"- The first part is an outright lie. He voted against the Federal (anti-)Marriage Amendment twice (
here and
here). As far as not proposing anything on domestic partner benefits...see "Universal Health Care." Again, remember that the GOP controls Congress, so any bill granting rights to gay couples would have zero chance of passing, and probably wouldn't even make it out of committee. You can't fault him for not wanting to spend time on a bill which will never see the light of day over bills with a real chance of passing and advancing progressive causes - like his
clean energy bill which would protect the environment and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. And again, the Human Rights Campaign seems to think his record on gay rights is pretty good, considering the fact that they have endorsed him.
"On Iraq: Time magazine's Baghdad bureau chief Michael Ware: 'Either Senator Lieberman is so divorced from reality that he's completely lost the plot or he knows he's spinning a line. Because one of my colleagues turned to me in the middle of this lunch and said he's not talking about any country I've ever been to and yet he was talking about Iraq, the very country where we were sitting'"- This doesn't quote Lieberman, but rather quotes someone who is criticizing Lieberman. It's pretty hard to respond without knowing what Lieberman actually said. I certainly don't agree with Lieberman's position on Iraq, and I think he sometimes doesn't see or chooses not to see how bad things have turned there. But as I said, there are other things that I think are just as important for America's present and future - education, the environment, equal rights, and stem cell research. And getting just one more vote against the war in Iraq is not worth sacrificing Lieberman's long, progressive record on those vital issues.
"Yes vote for John Roberts"- Most Democrats believed Roberts should be confirmed, according to polls. And Lieberman
voted with a majority of the Democratic Caucus on Roberts. Other supporters of Roberts included Russ Feingold, Carl Levin, Pat Leahy, Herb Kohl, Patty Murray, and Chris Dodd - all progressive standardbearers. So again, this is hardly a case where Lieberman's vote was out of the Democratic mainstream.
"Voted to stop federal aid to public schools that used materials 'supportive of homosexuality'"- To be honest, I'm not sure what bill this is referring to...I've done a few Google searches and nothing has come up, and I'm afraid that I'm not a walking encyclopedia of legislation. I do know that since very little federal money goes to public schools anyway (less than 10% of the total budget of US public schools) and that such a law as this would be completely unenforceable, the impact of such a provision would be close to nil anyway, though that certainly wouldn't make it right. This sounds like the kind of thing that was added on as an amendment or rider to an appropriations bill, and not a stand-alone piece of legislation.
Lieberman's record on gay rights is as solid as any Democrat's (thus the HRC endorsement), so I have a tough time believing that he would support this provision by itself. I certainly don't agree with such a provision (both on educational policy and civil rights grounds), and I would disagree with Lieberman if he did support it, but without knowing the circumstances surrounding this, I can't really respond more than this. I would be willing to update this one part of the "laundry list" if someone points me in the right direction.
"At Memorial day parade, marched with Republican Nancy Johnson while ignoring Dem. candidate Chris Murphy"- This charge seems to be one of those that started in the blogosphere and was embellished each step of the way. There was a photograph posted somewhere of Lieberman walking with Johnson during part of the parade, and that turned into Lieberman "marching" with her and "ignoring" Murphy. I doubt that it was anything more than a matter of one person seeing someone they know and deciding to go over and say hi - in other words, this is another case of the Lieberhaters wanting to hang him for daring to be friendly with a Republican. And if he was talking to Johson, well Connecticut has a very small Congressional delegation, and they have to be on good working terms with each other regardless of party membership in order to make sure things get done in CT.
Lastly, Lieberman has endorsed Murphy over Johnson, a rather important fact that the Lieberhaters ignore.
"Formed his own party, to run AGAINST the Democratic opponent, if he loses the primary"- You won't hear me argue that Lieberman made the right choice in choosing run as an indy. But he has just as much of a right to run as an indy as Ned Lamont has to run in the primary. It's also understandable that Lieberman, whose appeal is strongest among unaffiliated voters, would want to give all CT voters a chance to vote on his re-election (and unaffiliateds are the largest voting bloc in Connecticut). He will caucus as a Democrat no matter what, and that is what matters most in the end - Lieberman will add to the Democratic caucus and help build a Democratic majority. While I don't think he should have chosen to run both in the primary and as an indy, that doesn't change the fact that his record on the issues is in the mainstream of Senate Democrats, and that his re-election will add to the numbers of the Democratic caucus.
"Was hostile and boorish to opponent Ned Lamont in primary debate, treated Dick Cheney with kid gloves in vice presidential debate."- This strikes me as sour grapes about the fact that Lieberman took an aggressive stance and then mopped the floor with Lamont in the debate. And yes, he was civil with Cheney - so what? That debate has been cited as among the best, most informative VP debates in the nation's history. Besides which, those who make this charge seem to forget that although the tone was congenial, Lieberman did get in quite a few jabs on Bush/Cheney in the debate, including one where he mocked Cheney for criticizing the Clinton/Gore economic record despite the fact that he had grown rich during the Clinton administration.
"Has been seen on Fox News more than in Connecticut...Has been in downtown Baghdad more than downtown Bridgeport"- This is the logic of Douglas Adams's
Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (an animal that assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you). In other words, the charge is equating absence of evidence with evidence of absence. Just because he "has been seen" more on TV than in Connecticut obviously does not mean he actually has spent more time in the Fox studio than in his home state.
In any case, the fact that he has not campaigned in Connecticut extensively since 2000 is because his job as Senator requires him to stay in Washington and travel elsewhere. This is one of the oldest political charges in the book - that because someone is in Washington doing their job as a member of Congress, it means they are ignoring their constituents back home. The problem is that you can't do your job in Washington from hundreds of miles away, so a candidate facing this charge is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Maybe Lieberman should have gone back to Connecticut a bit more, but it's not like he was spending all his time eating caviar in D.C. and partying all night in Baghdad.
There's the laundry list rebuttal. This took me a ridiculous amount of time to compile and write (and thank you to my girlfriend for proofreading it), so I won't be responding to any more of these between now and the primary. Most of the items on this laundry list were either half-baked or half-truths, but now there's at least a small part of "the other side of the story" for all to read. I'll finish by repeating the disclaimer that this is by no means definitive (I only devoted a few sentences to each topic, and this STILL was 10 pages long) and I don't speak for anyone but myself.
Here is a (very) incomplete list of instances where Lieberman has criticized Bush and his policies, often from the Senate floor. The first few of these were lifted from one of this blog's commenters, followed by several additions of my own:
Here is Lieberman criticizing Bush on stem cell research:
Here is Lieberman criticizing Bush's economic policies:
Here is Lieberman denouncing Bush's stance on affirmative action:
On energy and transportation spending:
On education:
On the handing over of wilderness areas to the oil and gas industry:
On cutting programs that provide jobs for CT residents:
On global warming and the environment
On Medicare could make this list go on for hours, but I have to eat and sleep at some point. In any case, hopefully this helps reveal just how disingenuous the half-truths being told about Lieberman are.